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Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc Centennial Celebration,
Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana
July 12-17, 2022

Over 55 Sorors from Lambada Sigma Sigma attended the Sigma Gamma Rho Centennial Boule in Indianapolis, IN to celebrate 100 years of Sisterhood, Service and Scholarship.  Below is a snapshot of the festivities......


Travelling Home to Indiana and the welcome reception!

The City of Indianapolis, including the airport, the host hotel and Butler University rolled out the RHOyal blue and gold carpet to the Ladies of Sigma Gamma Rho.  


Homecoming at Bulter University

Butler University welcomed us home to where Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc was founded by our seven Illustrious Founders.  


Day of Service

Everywhere we go we our goal is to serve the community!  


Block Party with Dougie Fresh

Dougie Fresh got the party started with old school music.  Sorors danced, ate, and fellowshipped well into the night. The party ended with fireworks.